Friday, August 31, 2012

chapter one: a whole new world

I officially have my feet on the ground in BERLIN! It was no small feat ending up here after dragging my huge suitcase, carry-on, and backpack through the ICE train station, U-Bahn, and S-Bahn stations (similar to BART, U-Bahn is under ground and S-Bahn is above ground) to finally end up at my hostel, The Three Little Pigs. It was, of course, the hottest day of the summer on the day I arrived with humidity at 91% and when I got off at the final station, naturally it began to pour for my walk over. Exhausted was an understatement.

Since then, the time has flown by and I have been here for almost 2 weeks. I think a list of updates is in order:

  1. Host family: I opted for staying with a host family as sort of a leap of faith into the language and culture of Germany. The payoff has already been immense. My family consists of a mom, daughter (17 years old), and another student living in the flat. The other student, Pamela, is finishing her masters degree this year and is originally from Cameroon, but has been with my host family for about 3 years and in Berlin for 7 years. They are all incredibly sweet and very trusting. My host sister, Johanna, is a vegan, so all of the food is really healthy and very good! We just finished a dinner of cauliflower and ginger soup--very tasty. I really lucked out on this one. We live next to a church, kindergarten, and retirement home so it's pretty quiet, but right near a busy street. I'm only a 10 minute bus ride from a huge shopping mall center and a 20 minute bus ride from school. I could not be a happier camper.
  2. Classes: We started class this past Monday and have no class on Friday's. I'm taking an intensive German language course for a total of 12 hours each week, excluding homework and studying. I'm also taking 2 courses in English: Integration, Conflict, and Security in Europe and Environmental Politics and Policy in Europe. They seem like very thoughtful classes from the EU perpective, which should help to round out the Western perspective courses I've already taken. 
  3. Social life/exploration: I have met 2 very sweet girls, Camille and Stephanie, both also from California (Cal and UCLA, respectively). We are already 3 peas in a pod--a saving grace from the chaos that is this city. It seems like we are always on the go, trying to get to the heart of what Berlin is all about. It is a vast city and could easily fit the surface area of Munich, Vienna, and Hamburg inside its boundaries--incredible! So we are never short on adventures. We've already toured the River Spree (running through Berlin); went to Lange Nacht der Museen (Long Night at the Museums) where museums around the city open at 6 pm and don't close until 2 am--a beautiful night to see the historic city museums, including Berliner Dom; navigated the open air markets (wanting to buy everything); struggled, but eventually conquered buying go-phones, school supplies, and toiletries mostly in German; and did a walking tour of Brandenburger Tor (Berlin historic center) to see Brandenburger gate (my favorite picture from the day below), old Berlin wall memorials, buildings where the Nazi party ruled, and even the spot on the street where the Nazi bunkers where located--the place where Hitler committed suicide in 1945--a very sobering place to stand and only a block away from one of the larger Holocaust memorials in the city.  
    Brandenburger Gate, Berlin 2012
    1. Latest news from today!! Steph, Camille, and I just booked tickets today to visit London, Brussels (Bruxelles in German), and Bruges (Brugge) over our fall break from October 8th to the 14th--we are currently compiling lists of places to go while we are there, if any of you have suggestions. AND we are very excited that we will be in Turkey on Turkey-Day! Late November we will be on an adventure to Istanbul to soak up all we can in a short time before finals begin--from the blue mosque to the Grand Bazaar to possibly so hot springs (google image search Turkey hotsprings, you won't regret it). Thanksgiving day with be spent on our way to the only city in the world that is on two continents!! Housing is in the works for all of our travels, and a trip to Oktoberfest is also planned for October 4th-7th! We are busy bees and so thrilled to travel!
    Finally, there is a list of things that I miss from back home. I'm still transitioning and it is a bit silly to make a list, but I really miss...
    1. being able to read street signs
    2. calling my dad to ask questions and coordinating family dates with my mom
    3. dollar bills (1 and 2 euros are coins)
    4. my iPhone--especially map apps, taking pictures, and texting
    5. Justin--including being in the same timezone, date nights, his tiny apartment, and eating Chinese food from the containers on his futon
    6. game days at Cal
    7. understanding people when they talk to me
    8. toilet seat covers
    9. ordering coffee correctly
    10. reading menus and food labels
    11. Trader Joe's and Berkeley Bowl
    12. my sorority
    13. Berkeley farmer's market apple juice
    14. California weather (I realize this feeling will not go away and will only get more intense as it gets colder here)

    My heart hangs at home, but I am proud of all I have learned about myself, navigation (with real life maps), travel, and being versatile in adjusting to a new space, language, culture, and social pattern.

    Sorry this post is so long! I will have to make these a more frequent habit. Feel free to email me at or facebook message me if you would like my address here to send letters :)


    1 comment:

    1. Google image searched Turkey hot if I wasn't already jealous enough.

      Also 15. Ariel Annon

      Miss you tons! Glad you're having a crazy awesome adventure. Also sounds like you're going to be in all the right places at the right time!
