Here is a list of do's and do not's along with some tips I have picked up on during the first month of my stay in Berlin. Some of these are observed and some of them are experienced.
Do Nots:
- Don't try to jump onto the train (U-Bahn or S-Bahn) at the last minute--it's not like BART, the door is not going to open and your arm is going to be guillotined.
- Don't stand in the little square next to the rear door of the bus because the door won't shut and if you have your headphones in, you're going to get hit by moms with strollers standing near you
- Don't assume anyone will speak English at the post office. They won't.
- Don't trust the arrows on your map. They might actually be pointing in exactly the opposite direction.
- Don't put off e-mailing your mom from your hostel...she'll call internationally.
- Don't use sarcasm with German people. It's not going to work 99.9% of the time.
- Definitely leave with time to spare. Lots of it, you can go from zero to lost in an instant.
- Go running to see what is in the neighborhoods around you (and not have to talk to anyone because when you're a runner you are no longer conspicuous)
- Try to order everything in German, even though 9 times out of 10 the cashier will respond in perfect English
- Expect that your clothes will be wet for 2 days after washing them because dryers do not exist in Germany--plan outfits accordingly and don't wash all of your pants at once
- Buy a million post cards and send them often. A hand drawn heart means loads more than a "less than three"
- Always dress in layers. Rainstorms to heat waves to frozen tundra to dry and cold in one day. Scarves and cardigans, all day.
Assumptions/Fun Facts:
- It is safe to say at this point that most German women over age 30 don't shave (or at least not often). An extra layer for warmth I suppose?
- Germans subsist off of pastries, chocolate, and beer. Don't tell my thighs about all those calories though
- The German language does not sound mean all the time. Although when a mother yells at her child in German, it explains a lot about the adults who refuse to smile at you on the street.
- Top knot buns, leggings, long army-green coats, mustard yellow everything, and infinity scarves are all the rage here
- Almost none of the brands you know and love in the U.S. are here. I was lied to about that one.
And finally, a few of my favorite pictures so far:
Club Mate tea and a sunflower from the open market |
My two adorable friends, Camille and Steph |
Schloss Sanssouci |
TV Tower |
museum island |
Tapas and Coffee |
Berliner Dom |
Gelato at the weekend market |
"Make Love Work" |
Cookie Monster |
TV Tower |
the cutest little coffee maker ever (in a department store in Berlin) |
Thanks for reading! Wednesday marks my official one month in Berlin. Down to less than 3 months, let's make it count!
Much love,
I'll bet number 6 of the do not's was from personal experience :P
ReplyDeleteit is literally the worst feeling to have someone look at you like you're a monster when you drop one "wow that seems SUPER fun" after they say they've been at work for 12 hours. The response of course is: "No, it wasn't fun at all." Followed closely by "did you mean to say 'fun'?"